

I’m following my lifelong dream to ride my bike across the United States.

This blog will document my trek.

Day 35: Mankato, KS to Franklin, NE      (66.1 miles)

Day 35: Mankato, KS to Franklin, NE (66.1 miles)

Spectacular natural light show last evening as lightning to the north lit up the sky for several hours. We only experienced a few rain drops. Left the Mankato City Campground about 7 am, rode Route 37 West to the Town of Lebanon, where a monument marks the geographic center of the Continental United States.

We got back on SR281 and continued 15 more miles to the Nebraska border. The road, scenery, and weather were spectacular today. Twenty miles later, we reached Red Cloud, where we ate lunch. Heading west on ST136 from Red Cloud, we rode 23 miles to tonight’s destination, Drop Tyne Lodge in Franklin, Nebraska. After many days in the tent, a hotel room with AC is very much appreciated.

Image above: Welcome to Nebraska

Historical marker on SR36

Historical marker on SR36

Monument of the Geographical center of the USA, near Lebanon, KS

Monument of the Geographical center of the USA, near Lebanon, KS

Along SR281, approaching the Nebraska border

Along SR281, approaching the Nebraska border

Team Orange pulling for the Netherlands in WWC play (Netherlands beat Cameroon, 3-1) L to R: Bruce, Dan, Gerri, Yo, Ber, me

Team Orange pulling for the Netherlands in WWC play (Netherlands beat Cameroon, 3-1) L to R: Bruce, Dan, Gerri, Yo, Ber, me

An old IH tractor in great shape

An old IH tractor in great shape

Heading toward Franklin, NE

Heading toward Franklin, NE

Vintage truck in Lebanon, KS

Vintage truck in Lebanon, KS

Day 36: Franklin, NE to Arapahoe, NE (59.1 miles)

Day 36: Franklin, NE to Arapahoe, NE (59.1 miles)

Day 34: Washington, KS to Mankato, KS (64.4 miles)

Day 34: Washington, KS to Mankato, KS (64.4 miles)