

I’m following my lifelong dream to ride my bike across the United States.

This blog will document my trek.

Day 76: Coburg, OR to Salmonberry Park, OR (54.7 miles)

Day 76: Coburg, OR to Salmonberry Park, OR (54.7 miles)

As the tour winds down, everyone is getting nostalgic, thinking about the adventures of the last 11 weeks. Today’s ride went through the towns of Colburg, Harrisburg, Monroe, Alpine, and Alsea, before finishing at Salmonberry Park, on the banks of the Salmonberry River.

The first 30 miles were flat, consisting of hazelnut and hay farms, followed by a 2 mile hill at 8% grade, which definitely got the heart pumping! The downhill was sweet. We stopped at Alsea Falls picnic area for lunch, then stopped again in Alsea for dessert and to use the WiFi at Deb’s Cafe.

A few miles further was Salmonberry Park, our campsite for the evening. The power went out so we ended up driving to Corvallis for a Mexican dinner; long ride but a tasty meal. Incidentally, Salmonberry River was too warm to fish, only saw crayfish on the shallow river bottom.

Image above: Irrigated cabbage farm

Barn near Alpine

Barn near Alpine

Hazelnut farm near Harrisburg

Hazelnut farm near Harrisburg

Patty in the road near Monroe.

Patty in the road near Monroe.

Farm by Alsea

Farm by Alsea

Bruce and me at Alsea Falls Picnic Atea

Bruce and me at Alsea Falls Picnic Atea

Eating Voodoo Donuts from Eugene (treat from Yo And Ber who went off route)

Eating Voodoo Donuts from Eugene (treat from Yo And Ber who went off route)

Day 77: Salmonberry Park, OR to Florence, OR (68.7 miles)

Day 77: Salmonberry Park, OR to Florence, OR (68.7 miles)

Day 75: McKenzie Bridge, OR to Coburg, OR (55.3 miles)

Day 75: McKenzie Bridge, OR to Coburg, OR (55.3 miles)