

I’m following my lifelong dream to ride my bike across the United States.

This blog will document my trek.

Day 39: McCook, NE to Enders, NE          (54 miles)

Day 39: McCook, NE to Enders, NE (54 miles)

After an excellent stay in McCook, we left the Econolodge at 7:45am under rainy skies. Intermittent showers continued for an hour, then overcast skies gave way to sun and blue skies.

Riding out of McCook on Routes 6/34, we passed through Culbertson, and stopped in Palisade, a town of 300 people. Sitting near the American Legion Hall, two cousins, Charley and Glenn stopped by to chat and open the hall for us to use the bathrooms. Turns out Glen is the VFW Commander, and American Legion President for the last 25 years and Charley is a Michigan native who moved to Palisade 55 years ago. We talked for 1/2 hr and got back on the road.

Continuing on Route 6, we visited Wauneta , stopping at a Sinclair (these stations still exist in this part of the country) for drinks, cookies, and a break. From Wauneta the landscape opened up, reminding me of Colorado from last year’s bike trip. Ten miles later we arrived at our destination for tonight, Enders Reservoir State Recreation Area.

Image Above: Glen (VFW Commander), me, and Charley (a 55-year Palisade resident) in Palisade, NE

Farm equipment from long ago, near Culbertson

Farm equipment from long ago, near Culbertson

Lonely engine near Palisade

Lonely engine near Palisade

The Palisade Saloon

The Palisade Saloon

Entering the Mountain Time Zone, a few miles before Wauneta

Entering the Mountain Time Zone, a few miles before Wauneta

Glenn and Charley telling the group about Palisade

Glenn and Charley telling the group about Palisade

Taking a break at the Sinclair Station near Wauneta

Taking a break at the Sinclair Station near Wauneta

Cattle in a typical Nebraska landscape

Cattle in a typical Nebraska landscape

Grain bins are very common

Grain bins are very common

My last wind vane picture…probably not

My last wind vane picture…probably not

Day 40: From Enders, NE to Holyoke, CO (50.0 miles)

Day 40: From Enders, NE to Holyoke, CO (50.0 miles)

Day 38: Recovery Day in McCook, NE          (0 miles)

Day 38: Recovery Day in McCook, NE (0 miles)